9109 County Road #45, Roseneath, Ontario |
Ontario Tourism Region : Kawartha and Northumberland

Tour Group Person Limit: 200
Driving Directions:
- From Hwy 401, take exit 474 north at Cobourg on Cty. Rd. 45 for 20 km. Roseneath Fair Grounds on the east side of Hwy 45.... see map on website
Business Hours:
- Unscheduled openings, rentals or bus tours arranged.... openSundays 1:00 pm- 3:00pm. from Victoria Day weekend - Thanksgiving weekend.For unscheduled openings, bus tours, birthdays, reunions, etc. contact the Secretary
Description From Owner:
- The Roseneath Carousel is a phenomenal historical attraction! Built in 1906 in Abilene, Kansas by C. W. Parker, the carousel boasts 40 basswood horses, three abreast, and two boats.
- A 1934 Wurlitzer 125 Military Band organ, complete with paper rolls, ushers out the nostalgic music.
- After the Carousel left the Parker plant, gaps appear in its history. Eventually it surfaced at Mohawk Park in Brantford, Ontario, where directors of the Roseneath Agricultural Society found and purchased the machine for $675.00 in 1932.
- The Carousel Restoration committee formed in 1986 and began a massive $400,000.00 fundraising campaign to restore the relic to its originial condition.
- July 17, 1993 the museum-quality, rideable carousel re-opened in its sixteen-sided building(which had been constructed around the carousel upon relocation to the Roseneath fairgrounds in 1932).
- In 1998, significant repairs were needed for this protective building. $25,000.00 installed a new foundation, cement flooring and new exterior boarding replacing those destroyed by age.
- Fundraising continues and so does the fun!
- Renovations are still required to make the building climate-controlled to protect the restored Carousel.
- Your donation will assist us in our efforts to preserve and operate the Carousel a (precious reminder of our roots in rural Ontario.
- As you ride the Roseneath Carousel, round and round, close your eyes and revel in a timeless musical journey through history!
- It promises to an enjoyable experience that young and the not so young will remember for years to come.
Address of this page: http://www.stirling.ruralroutes.com/carousel