48 Alma St., Box 377, |
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Ontario Tourism Region : Kawartha and Northumberland
Driving Directions:
- 12 miles east of Peterborough on Hwy #7, turn right at lights, then left on Alma St to Fair Grounds
Business Hours:
- 2017 Norwood Fair Dates, Thanksgiving Weekend, October 7th, 8th & 9th
Description From Owner:
- 2017 marks the 149TH annual Norwood Thanksgiving Weekend Fair
- Saturday features Heavy & Light Horse Shows, Beef Shows, Parade at 12 noon, Classic Car Show, Hunter and Jumper Show Plus Full Midway, Homecraft Displays and School Fair Displays.
- Sunday features Goat Show, Sheep Fleece Competition,Sheep Shearing Demo, Sheep Dog Demo, Pony Pulls, Western Horse Show and Gymkhana Show plus 'Hot Diggity Dogs' Also Nasscar Style Lawnmower Racing
- Monday Dairy Cattle, Horse Pulls, Stillbrooke Drill Team, Antique Tractor Show & Extreme Cowboy Competitionhow & Demonstration.
- Each day their is live entertainment in the G A Brethen Coliseum & on Outdoor Stage
- Show hours 9am to 5pm daily. Admission $10.00 per person, children under 12 are free.Parking is also free.
- Dogs are not permitted on the fairgrounds!
- Kidz Coral daily in Millennium Room. Children's entertainment, play area, mini tractor pull for kids
Address of this page: http://www.stirling.ruralroutes.com/norwoodfair