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Ontario Tourism Region : York, Durham and Hills of Headwaters
- Pop. 248. In King T., Reg. Mun. of Y ork on the west branch of the Holland R. and C. Rd. 16, just SW of the junction ofHwy 9 and C. Rd. 27, 47 km. NW of Toronto.
- The village is named after Jesse and Phoebe Lloyd, the first settlers. Jesse was the son of Pennsylvania Quakers who settled in the township in 1812. In 1824, Jesse built a sawmill to provide lumber for a grist mill.
- In the 1830s the village was a rallying point of the Mackenzie Uprising. Jesse Lloyd was an associate of Mackenzie, held several meetings at his home and helped plan the attack on York.
- Several others from Lloydtown participated in the historic march from Montgomery's Tavern. When the rebellion failed, Lloyd and others fled to the United States.
Address of this page: http://www.stirling.ruralroutes.com/lloydtown